Integrating Flutter with Coveralls

by Jan 28, 2018Flutter1 comment

This post quickly presents snippet on how to integrate Flutter app with Coveralls, which will give you feedback on test coverage in your app. Let’s get to it!

Integrating with Travis

At first, we need to integrate our app with Travis. The best starting point would be Yegor Jbanov’s post on Testing Flutter app with Travis. I highly recommend reading it first.

In my case I had to specify two directories in which tests were placed (since otherwise flutter test only run unit tests), so my initial .travis.yml file looked like this:

. . .

Adding project to Coveralls

In order to add a project to Coveralls, all you need to do is Sign In with your GitHub account, go to Add Repos and pick repository you would like to integrate.

Then, when you go to Repos, you should see your project.

. . .

Updating .travis.yml

To properly invoke coveralls on Travis build you need to change .travis.yml file as shown:

. . .


And that’s it! Now after proper build on Travis, you will be able to see your test coverage.

What is more, you can add a badge (like this Coverage Status) to your project’s readme so that everyone will know how well your app is tested. To do that, go to repo’s detail page on Coveralls, click EMBED above BADGE icon and copy code snippet you need. ?

The full example is available here.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment ?

Marcin Szałek

Founder of Fidev

Flutter enthusiast since Alpha release in 2017. Believes that sharing is caring, which lead him to start a technical blog dedicated fo Flutter in its early days. Loves to see beautiful designs become real apps and is willing to help make it happen. Enjoys sunny beaches far from home.

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