Filter Menu – UI Challenge

In this post, I will do my first UI Challenge. As my goal I’ve picked this design by Anton Aheichanka from dribbble:
The design
Let’s get to it!
First, we need to decompose this view into few smaller units:
- The clipped image on top
- Header
- Profile view
- List header
- List of items
- Animating items filtering
- Animated Floating Action Button
. . .
0. Starting point
As a starting point, we will create a simple app with a Stack
. Stack
is a container Widget, that places widgets on top of each other. All of our widgets will be placed in it.
. . .
1. The clipped image
Let’s start with an image and add it to the Stack
EDIT: Actually, I have changed it to
. Also I wrapped it inPositioned.fill
withbottom: null
later on.

Now let’s add diagonal clipping. To do that, we need to create a CustomClipper
Our new class extends CustomClipper<Path>
and overrides two methods. shouldReclip
method tells framework when Clipper should be rerendered. We will set this to always return true for simplicity. In the production app, we might want to add actual logic here. getClip
method returns a Path
object which describes what area of a widget should remain visible. After defining bottom left apex 60 pixels above the bottom right apex, we end up with a figure we needed.
Now we just need to use our clipper with ClipPath

In the design, this image is a bit darker, let’s try to achieve a similar color. To do that, we will use color blending:
Since I am not really good at recognizing colors, I will say that what we get is good enough.

The full code for this stage can be found here.
. . .
2. Header
I won’t put much attention to the header. I will use slightly different icons and possibly different font since it is not that important in the scope of the whole design. The top header will be a simple Row
with Icons
and a Text
Now we just need to include this widget in our stack and put it on top of the clipped image.

Full code for this stage can be found here.
. . .
3. Profile view
Similarly to the header view, let’s not put a lot of attention to this part. Simple row with a column, some paddings and we end up with this:
Unfortunately, I had no idea how to find the same image so I just used my own. Now let’s add it to the stack and see how it looks.

The full code for this stage can be found here.
. . .
4. List header
We are getting closer to the actual content of the design. Let’s assume that the header and list are always below the image. Now we can define buildBottomPart
method which would return everything from the header below.
And, as always, we need to add this view to the stack:

The full code for this stage can be found here.
. . .
5. List of items
First, let’s create a model class, which will represent tasks shown in the list. We can see that tasks have a name, category, time, color and since we can filter them, we can assume that they can have some completed flag. I will ignore the hangout task with small avatars.
Now we need to initialize a list of such tasks.
When it comes to the actual view, we can see, that there is a vertical line going through the whole screen and hiding behind the image. To create that line we will write the following method:
After adding it to the bottom of the stack (so as a first child), we will end up if nice vertical line going through the whole screen. Now let’s create a Widget representing a Task
. It could be a StatelessWidget
but we will create it stateful because we will need it later (EDIT: Actually, we won’t. I changed it to StatelessWidget later on).
Widget’s row contains 3 elements: a dot, which is a Container
with circular boxDecoration
, a Column
with two Texts
and a trailing Text
showing Task’s time.
Now we just need to put it all together in a ListView
We needed to wrap ListView
inside Expanded
because otherwise, we couldn’t place it inside a Column
At this moment we have a static list of tasks:
The full code for this stage can be found here.
. . .
6. Animated items filtering
Now let’s try to get collapsing effect from design. First, we need to change ListView
to AnimatedList
. This will allow us to easily add animations to our list. If you are interested in more details on how to use AnimatedList, I recommend this sample. So let’s update _buildTasksList
gives us two main methods: insert(index)
and remove(index,builder)
. Since we can only pass the index, it is important to keep our data list with our view list synchronized. To do that, let’s add a ListModel
Most important aspects of this class are insert
and removeAt
. Insert
basically adds an item to both List
of Tasks as well as AnimatedList.
does the reverse, however, we can pass a builder
that will build a Widget to be drawn in place of the removed item. For simplicity, we will leave a simple container there and we will come back to it later.
Now let’s change MainPageState
so that it uses listModel instead of a static list of tasks.
After adding ListModel
to MainPageState
, let’s add a possibility to change the filtering of our tasks. To do that we can add a bool field showOnlyCompleted
and change it when a user clicks on FloatingActionButton
How it works is that on every FloatingActionButton
tap, we iterate through all non-completed tasks (because completed tasks are shown either way) and then depending on showOnlyCompleted
value, we either insert them or remove them. It looks like this:
Ok, but where is the animation? In AnimatedList
‘s builder, we do have an animation, which is managed by AnimatedList
and can be passed to our row view. Let’s add SizeTransition
and FadeTransition
which will be responsible for shrinking and expanding rows depending on animation
Now we need to pass that transition in insert
and removeAt
Our animated list looks like this:
Let’s add minor improvement to durations based on widget’s position in the list.
We end up with this:
The full code for this stage can be found here.
. . .
7. Animated Floating Action Button
Now it’s time to give our FloatingActionButton
an animation. Let’s start by creating a new class for it.
And let’s repace old Fab with new one:
Now let’s start with animating core of the fab. We can see two transitions here: first is changing Icon from filter icon to close icon, second is changing color from default pink to a darker one. Since there are synchronized we will only need one AnimationController
. From this point, clicking on Fab will not invoke onClick
method, it will only open and close Fab widget. Let’s start with changing color:
We created two animations. AnimationController
will be our main point of controlling animation. ColorAnimation
can be considered as a derivative of the controller that provides Color
value between pink and dark pink. Everything is wrapped inside AnimatedBuilder
which rebuilds view every time controller’s value changes.
Now let’s change the icon. We will use same AnimationController
but without any extra Animation
. On the design we can see, that icon is shrinking vertically and then expanding as a new one. To achieve that we will use Transform
widget, which will change only among the Y-axis. We also need to calculate the size factor since we cannot just pass the animation controller’s value.
It’s time to add an expanded background to our Fab. To do that we need to set its size to fixed values of the expanded state. That means we will also need to change the position of it in the stack. We will also wrap fab in a new stack which we will use later on.
Now let’s add a background. It will be a circle which changes its size depending on animation value.
We have also added hiddenSize
. If we just multiplied expandedSize
and _animationController.value
it would technically work, but at the initial phase of expanding, the background would be hidden behind core fab. It would create an illusion of delay which we don’t want to happen. The solution is creating a minimal size of background to which it shrinks, that is hiddenSize
We’re almost done, now we need to add icons to the expanded state. First, let’s try to statically place the icons in the right position. Since there are positioned on the circle, Transform.rotate
seems like a good widget to use. For every icon, we will define an angle of rotation. Notice that we will use two rotations because after we place our icon, we need to rotate it back to default state so it won’t end up upside down.

Now let’s animate it! All we need to do is adapt the size of icon depending on animation’s value.
The last thing to is adding a listener on icon click. In IconButton
‘s onPressed
method we will pass this:
Let’s see how everything works together!
Original design
My view
Ok, so there are some differences. Let’s say it’s close enough
The full code can be found here.
If you like this post or you think you could do something better, please leave a comment.

Marcin Szałek
Founder of Fidev
Flutter enthusiast since Alpha release in 2017. Believes that sharing is caring, which lead him to start a technical blog dedicated fo Flutter in its early days. Loves to see beautiful designs become real apps and is willing to help make it happen. Enjoys sunny beaches far from home.
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Glorious !
I’ve added it to in a new blog section.
Any github repo ?
Hey, thanks!
This is repo for that project: 🙂
Great!! I’m a newbie and this is very handy.
I’ll keep coming here for to learn quicker.
Nice job!
Thanks 🙂
Glorious !
I’ve added it to in a new blog section.
Any github repo ?
Hey, thanks!
This is repo for that project: 🙂
Great!! I’m a newbie and this is very handy.
I’ll keep coming here for to learn quicker.
Nice job!
Thanks 🙂
Awesome post! Your explanations are really clear and makes it very easy to follow.
Great Job!
Awesome post! Your explanations are really clear and makes it very easy to follow.
Great Job!
Thanks 🙂
This looks really impressive. I’m fairly new to Flutter, following your steps was surprisingly simple and easy to read as a whole, however. I’ll surely use it as a reference once I get into creating animated layouts.
Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome! I’m glad you liked it 🙂
This looks really impressive. I’m fairly new to Flutter, following your steps was surprisingly simple and easy to read as a whole, however. I’ll surely use it as a reference once I get into creating animated layouts.
Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome! I’m glad you liked it 🙂
an Awesome job that you did. can I have a lot of work(tutorial ) from you please.
an Awesome job that you did. can I have a lot of work(tutorial ) from you please.
thanks a lot my dear. I really enjoyed this tutorial.
however, I was also using the its GitHub project as a reference, because, as you noted, some changes are made in repo, but the article.
anyway, thanks again 🙂
thanks a lot my dear. I really enjoyed this tutorial.
however, I was also using the its GitHub project as a reference, because, as you noted, some changes are made in repo, but the article.
anyway, thanks again 🙂
The effect is very good.
The effect is very good.
if remove below two line from profileRowView, CircleAvatar is going to bottom.
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
So why would you remove them? 😀
just wanted to test the effect
Actually I did not understand why it behave strangely. If remove those property and use Text Widget instead of CircleAvatar it did not go to the bottom. It will be helpful if you explain that. thank again for beautiful article
if remove below two line from profileRowView, CircleAvatar is going to bottom.
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
So why would you remove them? 😀
just wanted to test the effect
Actually I did not understand why it behave strangely. If remove those property and use Text Widget instead of CircleAvatar it did not go to the bottom. It will be helpful if you explain that. thank again for beautiful article
Thanks! 🙂
Thanks! 🙂
Thanks for detailed explanation. Easy to follow the steps.
Thanks! 🙂
Thanks for detailed explanation. Easy to follow the steps.
Thanks! 🙂
Great Work!
How can i insert a differents click’s for the options of the button?
Hi mate, good question 🙂
I would just add a parameter to _buildOption method with a type VoidCallback. Then, I would pass it to onPressed paramter in the IconButton. This way for every icon you can pass a function which you want to invoke. Just remember to call close() method inside those functions so that the fab collapses.. 🙂
Tell me how it went 🙂
So, i add a new parameter passing a function and work’s fine, but in the phisycal device, when i umblock the screen is registered on DEBUG CONSOLE ‘E/BpSurfaceComposerClient(27784): Failed to transact (-1)’. I don’t know what is..
any idea?
_buildOption(Icons.account_balance, 0.0, () => debugPrint(‘account_balance’)),
Widget _buildOption(IconData icon, double angle, VoidCallback function)
onPressed: () {
Great Work!
How can i insert a differents click’s for the options of the button?
Hi mate, good question 🙂
I would just add a parameter to _buildOption method with a type VoidCallback. Then, I would pass it to onPressed paramter in the IconButton. This way for every icon you can pass a function which you want to invoke. Just remember to call close() method inside those functions so that the fab collapses.. 🙂
Tell me how it went 🙂
So, i add a new parameter passing a function and work’s fine, but in the phisycal device, when i umblock the screen is registered on DEBUG CONSOLE ‘E/BpSurfaceComposerClient(27784): Failed to transact (-1)’. I don’t know what is..
any idea?
_buildOption(Icons.account_balance, 0.0, () => debugPrint(‘account_balance’)),
Widget _buildOption(IconData icon, double angle, VoidCallback function)
onPressed: () {
No idea 🙁
i’m new to flutter..Thanks for detailed explanation. very useful. Great Work!
Thanks, I’m glad you liked it 🙂
i’m new to flutter..Thanks for detailed explanation. very useful. Great Work!
Thanks, I’m glad you liked it 🙂
Thanks for making this tutorial! Explained everything in detail. I’m bookmarking your blog for future learning.
Thanks for making this tutorial! Explained everything in detail. I’m bookmarking your blog for future learning.
Awesome! I’m happy to help 🙂
Amazing mate, amazing!
Amazing mate, amazing!
Hi. Very good article. I like the step by step way of describing how to get really beautiful UI.
Awesome design,keep it man
Thanks 🙂
Awesome design,keep it man
Thanks 🙂
Mind Blowing..
Kudos to your great Work..
Thanks 🙂
Mind Blowing..
Kudos to your great Work..
Thanks 🙂
Great article to demonstrate FAB animation. Thank you so much.
You’re very welcome 🙂
Awesome tutorial and your work is flawless.. you should make video tutorials on youtube.
Thank you! 🙂 Actually, I do have some tutorials on youtube 🙂
thanks so much 🙂