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Deleting entry and undoing deletion in snackbar – WeightTracker 7
In this post I will go through how I added delete functionality to my WeightTracker app. I will also show how to implement ‘undo’ action on Snackbar with help from Redux Library. 🙂 Let’s get to it!
Line Chart in Flutter – WeightTracker 6
In this post I will go through the process of creating line chart for my WeightTracker app. Since there is no official support for drawing charts yet, we will do it by our own 🙂 . Expected result is a Widget displaying history of weight entries. Let’s get to it!
Flutter TabBar Example – WeightTracker 5
In this short post I will document how I added TabView to my WeightTracker app.
Reduxing Flutter Firebase App – WeightTracker 4
In this post I’m going to go through how I added flutter_redux library to my existing Firebase-connected app. Let’s get to it!
Firebase Database in Flutter – WeightTracker 3
In this post I’m going to go through adding Firebase Database to a Flutter application. It is going to cover adding, editing and reading values from realtime database with intention to display them in listview.
Let’s get to it!
Creating full-screen dialog in Flutter – WeightTracker 2
In this post I would like to go through the process of creating full-screen dialog. Dialogs like that are used for more complex user operations that would be inappropriate for normal dialog. Luckily, Flutter framework provides very simple way to create and use them.
Flutter ListView Tutorial – WeightTracker 1
In this post I am going to go through how I created basic ListView in Flutter with dynamically added values. I will present basic lists with one text as well as a bit more complex layout. Let's get to it!
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