UI Challenge – Flight Search

UI Challenge – Flight Search

UI Challenge – Flight Search In this post, I will go through another UI Challenge. I have picked Johny Vino‘s Flight Search design from 100 Mobile App Interactions which is mostly about animations and I will try to implement it as close as I can. Let’s get...
Filter Menu – UI Challenge

Filter Menu – UI Challenge

Filter Menu – UI Challenge In this post, I will do my first UI Challenge. As my goal I’ve picked this design by Anton Aheichanka from dribbble: The design Let’s get to it! First, we need to decompose this view into few smaller units:  The clipped image on top...
Infinite Dynamic ListView

Infinite Dynamic ListView

Infinite Dynamic ListView In this post, I will quickly go through how to make an infinite ListView, that dynamically loads more data when a user scrolls down to the end. The final solution should look like this: Let’s get to it! Starting point Let’s start with a...
Dynamic Sliver FloatingActionButton

Dynamic Sliver FloatingActionButton

Dynamic Sliver FloatingActionButton In this post, I will walk through the process of creating FloatingActionButton that is pinned to the edge of FlexibleSpaceBar (shown below). Let’s get to it! TLDR: I exported pub package, so you can achieve similar FAB behavior....
“Ok Google, use my Flutter app!”

“Ok Google, use my Flutter app!”

“Ok Google, use my Flutter app!” In this post I would like to show you how I integrated Google Assistant/Google Now with my WeightTracker app written in Flutter (works only on Android). First, let’s see what we are trying to accomplish: (I had to type in...
Integrating Flutter with Coveralls

Integrating Flutter with Coveralls

Integrating Flutter with Coveralls This post quickly presents snippet on how to integrate Flutter app with Coveralls, which will give you feedback on test coverage in your app. Let’s get to it! Integrating with Travis At first, we need to integrate our app with...
Zooming with GestureDetector

Zooming with GestureDetector

Zooming with GestureDetector In the previous post, I described how to create own chart using CustomPainter. Now I will go through adding zoom effect to the diagram using GestureDetector. Starting point At first, let’s define our starting point. I have own...